Monday, October 6, 2008

Michigan Prayer Walk: DAY SEVEN & FOURTEEN

The following topics will be prayed on days 7 and 14:

Mile 1-Start with praise
Mile 2-The Presidential Election
Mile 3-Michigan's U.S. Senate Members
Mile 4-Michigan's U.S. House of Representative Members
Mile 5-The Governor
Mile 6-The State Legislature
Mile 7-The County Governments
Mile 8-The Local Governments
Mile 9-The judicial system of Michigan
Mile 10-The unemployed in Michigan
Mile 11-Those who have suffered bankruptcy
Mile 12-Those who have suffered foreclosure on homes or properties
Mile 13-The prisoners of State and Local prisons
Mile 14-The entry of new businesses into Michigan
Mile 15-the recovery of the Auto Industry in Michigan
Mile 16-End with Praise


Kellie said...

Are you walking somewhere specific? Or do I just start walking and praying from my home?

Wally and Linda Hostetter said...

You can join us by walking around your block, in the mall, or anywhere you'd like and pray the topics that are on the daily list. If you're interested in joining us at our different starting points each morning let us know!