Wednesday, October 29, 2008

On a Rainy Day

Monday October 13th

This last day began and ended with rain, wind and quite a number of sidewalks.

We began at the intersection of 84th Street and Interstate 195 just east of Zeeland. With a few short, walking detours, we wound our way through the village and onto the long, but beautiful walk along Ottawa Beach Road. Wally stopped to escape the rain once at a Dollar General and engaged a potential voter in conversation. He left thinking she heard what he said and that she now understands why she will vote the way she was “leaning”! As they approached Macatawa Lake the rains and winds picked up. A mileage check showed only 1.7 miles remaining to the finish! Linda started out. Wally parked the car exactly one mile from that spot at the entrance to the State Park. Two rangers asked what he was doing and received the now, almost finished, story of the walk across Michigan. They let him leave the vehicle for Linda and were waiting for him when he arrived first at Lake Michigan. They both gave him a thumbs up and congratulated him for the success of the journey. Linda picked up the car and roared onto the beach with the horn sounding the final victory. What a blessed journey we undertook in the Spirit. We were blessed all along the way.

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