Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Praying in the Capital


We walked into city of Lansing on Monday having started at the Williamston City Limit Sign on the East side of Williamston.

At Panera in Okemos Linda stopped to use the facilities and met Marcie
a young, expectant mother who talked with Linda. Linda prayed with her and she
was praising the Lord because she had wanted someone to pray with her
for the delivery of her baby. She and her friend were having a bible study
at Panera. She had asked God to send someone to pray with her. God sent Linda!

Next, Linda met Ruth, a refugee from Liberia who lived in a Sierra Leon refugee camp for seven years. Ruth approached Linda with a piece of paper in her hand and showed her a map, but she seemed quite lost. She wanted to go to the library on Foster Street. Linda knew nothing of the library. So she called her trusty sidekick and he drove back, picked up the two women and within a short while, they found Foster street and the library. The librarian was so helpful she called the ESL coordinator who told us to come to his office at Christ Lutheran Church. Ruth was able to enroll in Monday and Wednesday program. She is 22 years old and has been in Lansing for two months along with her daughter, sister and two brothers. They are all in school. She is a Christian and does not yet have a job. But, she does have a caseworker for Catholic Social Services. She was so proud of her new tennis shoes and so thankful that we prayed with her and helped her find a way to learn English. She said over and over again, thank God, thank God. Please pray for her.

After arriving at the Capital, Linda and Wally were ushered by Joy Brewer, an eighteen-plus year employee of Senators and Representatives at the Capital. She had made arrangements for us to visit the floor of the House and the floor of the Senate. While in both of those chambers we were permitted to pray over the desks and for the activities that transpire in these great chambers. We also prayed in the caucus rooms for both parties and in Joy Brewer’s offices across the street. What a wonderful time we had. It is our prayer that God will answer what we prayed on this day.

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