Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Notes of Encouragement

Tuesday Oct.14
We walked out of Lansing toward G.R. on the Saginaw Highway this morning.

Linda’s blood sugar had dropped so she decided to hit McDonalds for a burger. As she reached into her pocket to get her money, she looked down and saw a caricature drawing on a napkin on the counter. It had the cutest little guy and puppy. Above the drawing were the words, “Cheer Up. Jesus Loves you.” When I turned it over, much to my surprise were instructions to look up Matthew 11:28. “Come unto me you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

She left McDonalds and continued about ½ block, really enjoying the burger and having her spirits lifted tremendously by God’s provision of a sweet note of encouragement. AS she looked down she saw a piece of yarn with rainbow colors running through it. She decided to pick it up. To her surprise, she was pulling behind her a half a skein of yarn. Those of you who know Linda, know that she loves rainbows.

On her afternoon break, she purchased an AW Root beer to go. There she met Jeannette who was 86 and her neighbor, Sharon who was in a wheel chair. After she spoke with them for a few minutes, they prayed together and she was on her way again.

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